2023 - 06 - 07 /// Joliette music video

Joliette has a new music video for their song “Lemus” off of their upcoming ‘Luz de Bengala’ 12”EP. We put this sucker to press recently so expect a full release later this summer.

The Faffle is just over a week out! All of CanaDave’s extra mage, handmade, stupid fancy, and test press 12”s will be raffled off for the last time on June 15th at 6pm PST / 8pm CST / 9pm EST live on Instagram! Every other day or so we’ll update with pics of stuff that will be in the Faffle…like the pictured 4-Way stupid fancy /50 and a Terry Green test press /5! There’s more comin’, but snag some tickets below if you’re already starting to salivate. Each ticket gets you one step closer to winning an item on the Faffle wheel, and if you win your remaining tickets are taken out. We’ll start with the crowdpleasing mages, followed by hand-mades, stupid fancies, and then the last couple test presses (one of which hasn’t been released yet!). Winners have to pay shipping.

CanaDave is workin’ his ass off getting The Vault ready for it’s June 10th opening (it closes June 15th at 6pm PST, same as the Faffle deadline). Like last time, it will house a bunch of personal copies of tapes, vinyl, t-shirts, cds, stickers, and posters that have either been sold out for a long time or were never posted for sale. These products will appear in a “The Vault" tab which will become visible one June 10th at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST at the top navigation column of this website (up there with ZBR News, Canada/International Store, U.S.A. Store, etc.

Aux.Aura’s debut EP drops on Tuesday June 13th! Take a look at the variants above: 18 on blue swirl, 10 black and white swirl, 10 halfsies swirl, and 5 test dips. Jam a face-melter below.

New Forms. Fucking New Forms yo. They absolutely slayed the pre-show. I was in awe. Here’s a quick video giving you some idea of the power and emotion this band brought to a small-ass basement show. As we will start posting the single videos for each band that played ZBR Fest 2023 in the order that they played, there’s more coming!

Here’s a new Hiding In The Outpost for the Drei Affen and Coma Regalia split 7” that just showed up from a German trade from Dingleberry. Last copy!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: SICKLE EATER = This incredible new project just posted their second song and it’s a banger just like the first!

BLACK LIVES MATTER and other screamo related news

Here is our current set of contributions to Black Lives Matter and other charities:
- all June bandcamp sales donated ($275 so far!)
- 13 very special releases in E-Bay and reverse-auction format, all sales donated to BLM

And there’s a bunch of new ZBR stuff that is much less important than the systemic change needed.

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BLUE NOISE demo tapes + LP / SEEYOUSPACECOWBOY test press + 7" splits found

New/low stock items:
***SeeYouSpaceCowboy test press!!! (#2/10)
***SeeYouSpaceCowboy/Secondgradeknifefight 7”s found (only 5!)
***BLUE NOISE demo tapes #1 and #2 as well as a new full length LP

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