2024 - 05 - 24 /// Mourn Recif shows + Nuvolascura cds

So during ZBR Fest 2024 we unearthed a bunch of old Zamplers. So on Monday we’ve got a special deal going down where all orders will get a Zampler and/or a Fest 2024 cd. We’ll have more info about it and the little distro update on Monday’s post, but if you order over the weekend we’ll be sure to toss you one too.

Nuvolascura cds are next, if you caught them on their most recent tour around ZBR Fest you’ll know these new compilation cds exist. The band took 70, we have 30. They sold all of their copies but a few already so pick one up once they drop on May 28th at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST.

Gossip’s ‘Coals of Juniper’ arrived at the Canada/International store today so here are some promo pics of the two variants! They look awesome, but they sound even better!!!

Click here for the full review, videos, and links!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: RESPIRE = New album pre-order and music video!!!